Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Hi!!! In this blog, I'll be to show you something about my favorite’s places in the world, Colombia and Switzerland. Currently, for me Switzerland is my objective to be at the end of my major, because there is the best University of Hotel Profession The College Cesar Ritz, and Sabana University, specially my career has agreement with this University, so I hope to finalize my major there. ... I hope that you like it!!!

...AbOuT SwItZeRlAnD...

We chose Switzerland as a country to our web page, so we are starting to say that Switzerland also known as "Confoederatio Helvetica", therefore the abbreviation CH. "Confoederatio" stands for "confederation", "Helvetica" derives from the Latin word "Helvetier", the name of the people who lived in the area which became later Switzerland. It is a European country; it is bordered by Germany, France, Italy, Austria and the tiny principality of Liechtenstein. Switzerland is multilingual, with four official languages: German, French, Italian and the lesser-known Romansh also called Rhaeto-Romanic. It capital is Bern City. Also, Switzerland is a special country by this fascinating environment, landscapes, and its industries, famous by the quality. This Magnificent country is divided in many cantons, also called “Kantons” and the main city of Switzerland is it capital Bern, Most of Berne's residents speak German, or more specifically, Bernese German, which is a high-Alemannic dialect. The Canton of Berne has a French-speaking part. Very few people still speak the Mattenenglisch, a language game used in the former workers' quarter of Matte, but several words have found their way into Bernese German. Berne also functions as the capital of the Canton of Berne, the second most populous of Switzerland's cantons.

The most famous food of Switzerland are chocolates and some kinds of cheese, also, the breakfast typically includes bread, butter or margarine, marmalade or honey, maybe some cheese or cereals, plus milk, cold or hot chocolate, tea or coffee. Lunch may be as simple as a sandwich or a birchermüesli or it could be a complete meal. Depending on what people had for lunch, dinner can be a full main course or just some bread, cheese, maybe some dried meat or any other light meal. Drinks range from plain water, over different types of soft drinks including most internationally well known brands plus some local products, to a great variety of beers and wines. Hot drinks include many different flavors of tea and coffee. Usually, people says that Swiss people are quiet, serious and cold in their relationships; but they are kind, lovely and respectful persons, also they are strict with the quality of its products, which makes precise and strict people. Al in all, Switzerland is a beautiful country, full of surprises, with a magnificent natural environment, wonderful cities, and great people, it make this country one of our best places in the world; as by it special resources, as it manufacturing industry and of services, such as Novartis, Ritz College and Ritz hotels.


The white cross on the red back (see top left on each page) has a religious background. The cross represents the cross, Jesus was put on, and the red color represents his blood. Each arm of the cross has to be of the same size and must be 1/6 longer than wide.

...AbOuT CoLoMbIa...

The Republic of Colombia, receives its name in honor to the discoverer of America Cristobal Columbus. It is located in the northwest corner of South America, which allows having coasts in the oceans Atlantic and Pacific. Also it has part on a section of the Amazon River in the Amazonian trapeze, reason why "Country of Three Seas" has been called it.Colombia, limits with Venezuela the east, Brazil to the Southeast, Peru and Ecuador to the south and Panama to the northeast, as well as with Jamaica, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica, countries that are considered bordering by existing treaties of marine and submarine boundary.Its capital is Bogota that conform the Capital District and is also capital of the department of Cundinamarca. Currently it is a metropolitan area with more than eight million inhabitants, divided in 20 localities and is the fourth city more populated and important of South America. This is the main seat of the National Government.The Bogota name has origin in the indigenous word Bacatá, name of the capital of the Zipas, which means "surrounded outside the farming". The town also received the nickname of Muequetá ("field or savannah of the farming") and the one of Funza ("powerful man"). Indeed in territory of the present municipality of Funza, neighbor of Bogota, and probably in its path the Cacique, was the head of the population of Bacatá.Also, some of the main ingredients in the Colombian gastronomy are: Pig, Popes, frijoles, maize, chicken, rice and soups. Another one of the wonders of the Colombian food is their fruits, due to their tropical climate, the great biodiversity and its fertile grounds, Colombia produces as delicious fruits as the Lulo, the Papaya, the Handle, the Zapote, the Plums, the Madroño, the mandarin, the grapefruits, the Litchi, the Níspero, the Jabutijaba, guayaba Bitter, the Sweet Guayaba, the Melons, the Sandia, the orange, the Jabutijaba, the Guanábana, the Anon, the Copoazu, the grenade, the Pitaya, the Curuba, the Maracuya, the Granadilla, the Avocado, the Carambolo, the Borojo, the Mangostino, the Corozo, the Strawberry, and so many other but that they are possible to be eaten fresh, in desserts or juice.Other important way t be of Colombian people, are their fair and parties, that happened in all country all months; some of most important festivals are Cali’s fair, Barranquilla’s carnival, white and blacks carnival, Manizales fair, vallenato’s festival, flower’s fair in Medellin, and other that happen in each Colombian town.In fact, Colombia is a privileged country by it position, it people, it natural resources… and other many things that be of this country a special place. As a recommendation, when you visit Colombia, you must visit many historical, cultural, touristic, and beauty places that you ever seen at same time in one country; furthermore, you can be in different weathers when you want, in any day of the year, because Colombia as a tropical country has all climates all time in the year that you can enjoy, since hottest weather to coolest temperature.


One of the most interesting factor between Colombia and Switzerland are it people, that are very different as in it physical appearance as in its manners.First of all, we consider that Colombians are Latin American people, and Swiss are European people, main cultural factor of each one that made them different people of the history, way to act, and its own custom.Secondly, we can say that Swiss are strictest than Colombian, because they are punctual, cater and order than Colombian, whose are opposite people whose are unpunctual and absolutely uncomplicated persons.On the other hand, we can say that Colombians are happy people, full of passion, whose work all days, and when they take a rest, they enjoy with the family, and spend many time with them; in contrast, Swiss work less time at week, and when they rest, they spend the time in own activities such as sky, so to the theater, and other alone activities, they don’t spend time with the families.


Currently, everybody has seen the global impact because of the contamination; so, Rosa Amelia Fierro, in Swiss info’s web page, in the article called: “SUIZA APOYA PRODUCCIÓN MÁS LIMPIA EN LATINOAMÉRICA” told us about the Swiss help from Latin-America to get better the natural atmosphere; she says too, that some Swiss investigators have created some theories and methods to improve our environment, and finally show us Bogota’s example with Transmilenio, our transportation system.

First of all, this text talks about SECO; it is the Switzerland Economy Secretary; that supports Latin-American cleaner production, to improve the natural environment by credits near to US$10 million dollars, to ending some technologies called “end of pipe” diminishing bad emissions of CO2 and other polluting elements.
Then, the author shows us the need to analyze main production process to detect weak points, to improve the way to produce by new cleaner technologies that help the development of companies; all this, avoiding the fossil fuel use like the coal and the gasoline, making the company simultaneously more profitable and ecological and socially responsible, in Switzerland and in Latin-America countries.
Additionally, Switzerland support the Kyoto’s protocol, participating in world-wide integration towards the contamination reduction, in the first place, they convince the Latin American industrialists, compromise them to change its technologies to clean ways to produce its products, diminishing costs, and increasing its yield.
As an example, of Swiss interest to improve the environment, the author mentioned Bogota, specifically Transmilenio’s project, and it say that Transmilenio is the best solution for the mobility of the citizens of Bogota, decreasing transportation costs, citizen education, and reduction of contamination and urban improvement of the city.
Definitely, we know how Switzerland in conscientious of the need to improve the way to produce, and companies act with respect to the care of the nature, and I am strongly surprised with the fact that Switzerland sees the development of cities like Bogotá, and recognize the big effort to be every day a better place to life.In fact, I can say that the Swiss management has given tools of improvement and growth for Latin America, and see that places as Bogota responds before the change necessity, for the improvement and conservation of the nature.


In 1962, when the Zurich Lake froze over, Denise Biellmann was born on the 11th December. She represented Switzerland as an Amateur Figure Skater for 11 years. At the age of 8, Denise won her first International Competition in Belgium. Aged 11, she was already Swiss Junior National Champion and at only 13, Denise could jump all 5 triples.
Denise was the 1st ever woman to jump the triple Lutz and became World famous through the Spin named after her. At the 1980 Olympics, in Lake Placid, Denise won the Gold Medal in the Free and one year later in 1981 she won the Swiss Nationals for the 3rd consecutive time, came 1st at the Europeans in Innsbruck and went on to Hartford to become the 1st and only Swiss Person ever to win the World Amateur Figure Skating Championships.
Between 1979 and 1981 Denise won Gold on no less than 16 occasions at International Armature Figure Skating Competitions. In 1979 and 1981 she was also voted Swiss Sports Person of the year. Also, she then went onto to compete in Professional Competitions and won the World Professional Title 11 times. In 1995 she was voted Swiss Sports Person of the Century.
Aside all the titles, some of the highlights of her career are the skating performances to the live music performed by world famous artists such as Montserrat Caballé, Simon Estes, Vanessa Mae, En-Vogue, Sarah Brightman, Chris de Burgh, Udo Jürgens, Barry Manilow, Zucchero, Gloria Gaynor, Scorpions and All Saints.
Her popularity is not only limited to Europe, due to her victories and TV presence in skating shows, she is a well known and loved skating star in America and was twice voted to one of the most influential Figure Skating persons in the USA. Denise is still considered one of the best professional female skaters in the World. Her skating routines with technical elements and unique choreography make her an artist who is still in demand.


Compared to most Europeans, the Swiss are law-abiding to a fault, rendering even the minimal police presence superfluous. There’s only a small force of plain-clothes federal police (Polizei, police, polizia), since most police duties are managed by the cantonal authorities, all of which maintain uniformed, armed police. Towns and cities also have their own armed police, operating in conjunction with the cantonal force.
It’s very rare you’ll even see a police officer in Switzerland, although you may come across one or two directing the traffic. Nonetheless, Swiss police are nothing of a soft touch, and have drawn recent approbation from Amnesty International for their heavy-handed approach to foreigners, asylum seekers and Swiss citizens of non-European descent in particular, with random street searches and “unjustified use of violence” cited.
If you do come into contact with the police, they’ll want to see your passport, which you’re obliged to carry at all times. Ordinary traffic offences will be dealt with swiftly and courteously – as long as you pay the fine – although police officers, especially outside the cities, may not speak any English and so, should there be any disputes, they may insist you accompany them to the nearest police station to have all the necessaries explained.
If you’re unfortunate enough to be robbed you should always go to the nearest police station to get a report filled out (you’ll need it for your insurance if nothing else). It may take hours to complete all the paperwork required.
On the other hand, as across Europe, recently we have seen in the news the racial discrimination, because in those countries exist people with xenophobia; in Switzerland specially, the people can’t stand Latin-American people because our cultural differences, language, skin color, and all the essence of Latin’s.
Finally, we can say that Swiss people are kind and friendly because it culture, even its policies are work in many activities such as the car traffic; but they are seen foreign people as invaders because its differences.


The tradition dates the heroic action of William Tell and the oath of the Swiss confederates against the counts of Habsburg on the Rütli back to 1307. But one cannot find any document concerning a person named Wilhelm Tell, nor the assassination of a bailiff in central Switzerland. Only in 1470, more than a century after the alledged events, a chronicle named the "White Book of Sarnen" reports the legend for the first time. A few years later, William Tell takes a prominent role in a ballad singing the praises of the beginnings of the Swiss Confederation. One generation later, a drama (Urner Tellspiel) is played in Central Switzerland. Centuries later, William Tell is mentioned in the standard history book Chronicon Helveticum (1734) by Aegidius Tschudi. In the 19th and 20th centuries the legend was severely questioned by historians.