Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Currently, everybody has seen the global impact because of the contamination; so, Rosa Amelia Fierro, in Swiss info’s web page, in the article called: “SUIZA APOYA PRODUCCIÓN MÁS LIMPIA EN LATINOAMÉRICA” told us about the Swiss help from Latin-America to get better the natural atmosphere; she says too, that some Swiss investigators have created some theories and methods to improve our environment, and finally show us Bogota’s example with Transmilenio, our transportation system.

First of all, this text talks about SECO; it is the Switzerland Economy Secretary; that supports Latin-American cleaner production, to improve the natural environment by credits near to US$10 million dollars, to ending some technologies called “end of pipe” diminishing bad emissions of CO2 and other polluting elements.
Then, the author shows us the need to analyze main production process to detect weak points, to improve the way to produce by new cleaner technologies that help the development of companies; all this, avoiding the fossil fuel use like the coal and the gasoline, making the company simultaneously more profitable and ecological and socially responsible, in Switzerland and in Latin-America countries.
Additionally, Switzerland support the Kyoto’s protocol, participating in world-wide integration towards the contamination reduction, in the first place, they convince the Latin American industrialists, compromise them to change its technologies to clean ways to produce its products, diminishing costs, and increasing its yield.
As an example, of Swiss interest to improve the environment, the author mentioned Bogota, specifically Transmilenio’s project, and it say that Transmilenio is the best solution for the mobility of the citizens of Bogota, decreasing transportation costs, citizen education, and reduction of contamination and urban improvement of the city.
Definitely, we know how Switzerland in conscientious of the need to improve the way to produce, and companies act with respect to the care of the nature, and I am strongly surprised with the fact that Switzerland sees the development of cities like Bogotá, and recognize the big effort to be every day a better place to life.In fact, I can say that the Swiss management has given tools of improvement and growth for Latin America, and see that places as Bogota responds before the change necessity, for the improvement and conservation of the nature.

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